Adding your show to Steno.fm
Our directory is powered by the Podcast Index. If your show isn’t already in the Index, submit your feed here. There’s no separate submission process to be included in our directory.
Adding transcripts
To display transcripts on your episode pages, we rely on the <podcast:transcript>
tag in your RSS feed. If your current host doesn’t support the transcript tag, switch to one that does!
Getting featured in Explore
The homepage features collections of podcasts that support the transcript tag. Please submit your show for an existing collection or propose a new collection by emailing [email protected].
Getting featured in Trending
The Trending page only includes episodes with a transcript tag in the feed and the OP3 prefix.
Promoting your podcast
Icon and Badges
You may use or adapt the Steno.fm icon and/or badges (light & dark) to promote your podcast on Steno.fm.
Steno.fm’s URLs rely on the show’s <podcast:GUID>
and the episode’s <guid>
. The episode GUID is hashed with a URL-safe variant of base64 encoding.
Technical Issues
Unsynced Transcripts
Podcasters have full control over the quality of their transcripts. They might provide caption files with timestamps for every word, every speaker change, or even none at all. All of this affects our ability to deliver a superior user experience. If a uses dynamic ad insertion, our highlighing may become unsynced as the episode progresses.
If you’re hosting your own transcripts, please ensure that Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
is present on the requested resource. Otherwise, browsers will not permit us to request the transcript.
Browsers like Chrome refuse to serve mixed HTTP and HTTPS content. When we request an HTTP resource, the browser will try to retrieve it with HTTPS. If the feed refuses HTTPS connections, the audio won't play.